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Advantages of fully automatic horizontal molding machine for casting

Sep,19,2023visited: 143

Advantages of fully automatic horizontal molding machine for casting:

1、 With the fully automatic horizontal molding machine for casting, the requirements for the technical workers required by our factory have greatly decreased, and we can operate it without the need for professional old workers. It only takes one or two days to start work.

2、 The fully automatic horizontal molding machine, due to its mechanical manufacturing and compaction replacing manual operations, reduces the labor intensity of workers and saves a lot of manpower. Labor saving factories can save a lot of money in one day.

3、 The fully automatic molding machine uses mechanical modeling, which is usually more than twice as fast as the original manual modeling, and the efficiency in one day is equivalent to the efficiency in two days.

4、 The workpiece is mechanically compacted, which has a higher compactness than ordinary hand molded sand. Moreover, the size of the casting can ensure an error rate of 3 ‰, with uniform quality and a smooth and beautiful appearance.


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